The next two episodes we're focusing on if nuclear power has a place in fighting climate change. This week, what are the dangers.
As the climate crisis grows, people are going to have to move to survive. We speak to Zoe Gardner about the current horrific conditions for migrants in Europe.
International nature conservation is viewed as a net positive for the world. But are we just repeating colonial extraction and inequality by a different name? Professor Chris Armstrong joins us to discuss how we conserve the world's biodiversity without repeating the mistakes of the past.
The election is upon us! Which Party in the UK has the best ideas on Climate. We're joined by Sam Knights to find out.
Are we in denial about the end of the world? Are some of us enjoying the idea of the end? Is learning more and more facts about climate change actually helping? Or are we finding comfort in being correct about the rolling doom? Two authors who have taken on the subject of the end of the world Ben Ware and Tad Delay join Andrew and Lucy to discuss how we see past the end of the world to something new.
Ad's is joined by Sasha and Emma from the Working Class Climate Alliance on how we build climate solidarity in the working class.
This week on the show Ads and Andrew are joined by Dr. Gianluca Grimaldi, a climate researcher. Gianluca tells his story of being fired from his job as a climate scientist for refusing to fly for work-related travel
What can Marx do to inform the struggle against climate breakdown? We spoke to Philosopher Kohei Saito to learn about Degrowth Communism.
Why are cars getting bigger and more expensive? Debt, financial interest in car manufacturers and upgrade culture, we unpack it all with Dr Tom Haines-Doran.
This week XR co-founder Roger Hallam discusses why citizens assemblies are the back bone of any future revolution.
This week we're joined by deputy leader of the Green Party Zack Polanksi. Is voting Green a wasted vote? What the Greens do if they actually got in power?
We're joined by Brett Christophers to discuss why we're not moving faster with green energy and why energy markets are an absolute mess.
Kevin Anderson joins us for our annual progress report on fighting climate change. Who's needs to pay for the Just Transition? and why has Net Zero become a problem?
This week we sit down with NASA scientist Peter Kalmus to discuss how NASA monitors the Earth's climate and how he went from the climate lab to the climate protest, in the fight to stop fossil fuels. Can we save the planet in the next five years by ditching fossil fuels?
The Race is on to find rare earth minerals to power the transition away from fossil fuels, Prof Thea Riofrancos explains how the mineral extraction is shaping the politics of South America.
Image by Christophe Meneboeuf
Its time to think small for a change, but with a big impact. This week Ads is joined by Paul Handrick aka "The Bee Guy" to discuss how he setup the worlds first wild Bee Sanctuary.
The Arab world lies at the heart of Fossil Capitalism. How do we develop a Just Transition for those so tied to the materials that are destroying the planet? Alex is joined by Hamza Hamouchene and Katie Sandwell the editors of Dismantling Green Colonialism, Energy and Climate Justice in the Arab Region" to find out.
It's the final episode of Working Class Voices S2! Ad's sits down wiith Alice Hu from the New York Communities for Change to discuss how they've sustained a diverse working class movement when protesting Wall Street and Fossil Fuel Barons.
on WCV Ad's is joined by Duncan Exley. They discuss the difference between working class and middle class campaigning, How one posh friend can change your life andthe power of pride and humiliation.
This weeks Ads is joined by Terry from the Inspiring working Class group Darkwood Crew, from Ferguslie Park in Scotland. Darkwood Crew are building climate action into community support and discusses with Ads how to do it and bring the community with you.
Keir Milburn joins Ads to discuss how we define the working class affects our strategies, and if the working class have a clearer view of the police than other classes. Keir also details the horrific undercover police scandal that monitored the environment movement in the early 2000's and what the working class needs to do to claim the green transition.
This week Ads talks to Micheal from Game Changer, the campaign to get Football clubs to drop their fossil fuel sponsorships.
This week we are quite literally organising for power. The New York City DSA joins us to discuss how they passed a landmark renewable energy bill in the state, and why they ended up fighting against one of the sponsors of the bill to get it over the line.
This week on Working Class Voices, Ads is joined by Fraser Stewart to discuss a just transition around energy and keeping the working class at the heart it.
why is 92% of the land in Britain privately owned and illegal to wander on to? We're joined by Right to Roam campaigner Jon Moses to find out why and how we can get land back in the common hand.
Ad's is back for Season Two of Working Class Voices, where we let the working class tell us what needs to be done to build the climate movement.
We're joined by the co-founder of Scientists for XR, Aaron Thierry, to discuss how scientists taking to the streets can change the conversation around climate.
Who are the working class in 21st century Britain and how will climate change shape the politics of the working class? Keir Milburn joins us to discuss.
This week Jason Hickel joins us to discuss why capitalism cant save the planet and how Universal Basic Services are at the heart of a degrowth economy. Does the organised Left understand degrowth?
It is, we promise, worse than you think. Or maybe it was? David Wallace Wells joins us to discuss his book "The Uninhabitable Earth"
Could sailing be the answer to decarbonise the 11 bilion tonnes of global cargo shipping? Christiaan De Beukelaer joins Ads and Andrew to work out how to clean up international shipping. Can we sail our way to Zero Carbon?
Rich nations are exporting their carbon emissions to those suffering worst from climate change. How do they get away with it? And what can we do to fix it? This week we are joined by Laurie Parsons to discuss his new book Carbon Colonialism: How rich countries export climate breakdown."
Royal Holloway, University of London/Thomas Cristofoletti.
This week climate journalist Dharna Noor gives the team an update on the climate movement in the US. Is Joe Biden a climate conscious president?
Samuel Corum/Getty Images
We go behind the scenes at the U.N. with Yamina Saheb, to discover how the IPCC reports are made and why who creates them affects our fight to stop climate breakdown.
Are we basing our plans to save the planet on the very systems that broke it in the first place? We spoke with Ben See to uncover our dangerous assumptions.
This week we are joined by Dr Genevieve Guenther of End Climate Silence to discuss how language and narrative can affect our ability to combat climate change.
James Dyke talks us through the century-long fall out from climate change and the absurdity of the current state of affairs. What happens if 1.5C fails?
The Culture War has come for climate breakdown. Do we have to fight it? Ketan Joshi discusses the real world affects of climate disinformation.
Britain's' mountains hold some of its most stunning plants and landscapes but are much diminished since the industrial revolution. Dr Sarah Watt joins us to discuss all things montane botany.
How do we make the seas a more fair and just place for humans and fish alike? We're joined by Chris Armstrong to discuss the Blue New Deal
Back in November the nations of the world met in Montreal to set out a vision for saving the planets biodiversity. Will it work?
Happy 2023! It's a new year so let's get back to basics. Are we on track to stay below 1.5°C? Professor Kevin Anderson talks us through the U.K's Carbon budget. Can Net Zero save us?
Michael Kappeler/picture alliance
It's time for the festive run down of 2022! We've got the whole pod team around the Christmas dinner table to discuss the poly-crisis of 2022.
This weeks show is a live panel from The World Transformed at Labour Conference 2022. Who should own the energy systems?
Asad Rehman talks us through the damaged caused by the summer floods in Pakistan and the challenges to come at COP27 in Egypt
image by Fareed Khan/The Associated Press
If you've taken a walk in England chances are you've seen a sign that says "private property" or "trespassers will be persecuted". Turns out over 90% of the land in England is in private hands and our access to the green and pleasant lands are minimal. So how do we get it back? We talk to the Right to Roam campaign on how.
David Griscom talks us through the poltics and turnmoil of the Texas energy crisis. We discuss the current state of Texas's energy sector, the union busting taking place at oil and gas companies, why the renewable sector isn't a just transition for workers yet and if the Inflation Reduction Act is all it's cracked up to be?
UCU are fighting for a Green New Deal in the workplace. This week we follow their fight for climate justice in further education.
This week we tackle the hard to crack issue of transition away from climate catastrophe. How do we get from breakdown to utopia? This week on the show we are joined by Kai Heron and Jodi Dean to see how the tradition of revolutionary Leninism may hold answers to this difficult problem.
Matthew Huber's new book explores how class relations exacerbate climate breakdown, why over consumption rhetoric can obscure class forces at play and why the Green New Deal needs Trade Unions at its heart.
The country is on the brink and the only people who can save it ourselves. Enter stage left Enough is Enough, a Labour movement campaign demanding dignity for the working class across Britain.
in Adriennes new book she uncovers how green finance is endangering the world it aims to protect and how money can't account for the complexity of nature.
It's time to shirk off that waged labour, for at least a couple of days, and dive head first into a cool pool of climate fiction. On our first foray into a Summer Book Club our Lucy Burke and friend of the pod Sam Knights discuss their favourite climate reads of the summer.
it's our 100th episode! This week are delighted to be joined by Dr Helen Yaffe to discuss how Cuba managed to decarbonise it's economy while under crushing US sanctions and put nature at the heart of its economy.
It's been bloody hot, So Andrew and Alex wanted to whinge about it and discuss the political ramifications of the heat wave. Could this be the turning point we need for zero carbon?
This week on the show we are joined by Dr Oscar Berglund (@berglund_oscar). Oscar studies the strategies and discourses of civil disobedience in contemporary climate change activism. We talk XR, Insulate Britain the Tyre Extinguishers and F1 driver Sebastian Vettel!
Momentum have launched a climate politics education program, Momentum co-chair Gaya Sriskanthan join us to discuss how momentum sees the fight for the climate.
There's a heatwave happening in Europe so let's cool down this week by getting into some polar research! Dr. Peter Neff tells us how ice core samples are important eviedence for climate change and how to communicate complex scientific ideas and deal with climate doomerism.
We're joined by MP for Sheffield and Hallam Olivia Blake to discuss Britain's crumbling water infrastructure and what are Labour's climate plans?
it's only International Biodiversity Day! We welcome back Josh Styles to talk everything plants, from making your own garden more biodiverse to saving rare species from developers.
Ads is joined by Níall Glynn founder of the Working Class Economist Group. They discuss why the working class have a fundamental understanding of the economy, why we need more working class economists and how to explain a just transition.
Ads is joined by friend and hip hop artist Dan Marsden to discuss the aesthetics of the climate movement and how working class people may view them.
This week we are going big on ideas and big on nature with Half Earth Socialism. Giving over half the planet for re-wilding and global veganism. Drew Pendergrass and Troy Vettese join us to discuss their utopian socialist vision of the future.
Ads and Zara get into abolitionism, the importance of imagining what comes after revolution, how working class protests need to up their game, and what happens if protests become outlawed.
This week Ads is joined by Khushi Himatal who has recently joined the climate youth movement after becoming disillusioned with the revolutionary left. They discuss Marxism, working class heroes, what the climate movement can learn from the working class and the working class of the global south.
We spoke to RAID on the conditions of cobalt miners in Congo and how companies like Glencore are exploiting Congolese workers and the environment for electric vehicle production in the Global North
On Working Class Voices Ad's is joined by Jay Chambers, a friend of the family who grew up in Blackley. They discuss differences between North and South Manchester, when they both first saw a wealth divide in Blackley, music, art, language, and how outreach programmes may be the key to connecting Working Class people to the climate movement.
This week on Working Class Voices Ads chats with an old Labour comrade Rebecca Pollitt. The themes for this episode centers around the contrasts between working class meetings and environmental meetings, the effectiveness of protests, spirituality and oneness and what working class movements can learn from the environment movement.
With the IPCC working group 3 report coming out last week and it explicitly saying economic growth will be a prevailing factor in burning the world into a crisp it’s time to ask again; what are the alternatives? Timothée Parrique discusses how degrowth is making it's way to the heart of climate change research and thought.
Ads in on a mission to understand why the working class is so hesitant to get involved in the climate movement. Each week he'll be talking to another working class guest to discover their thoughts on climate breakdown, the climate movement and what needs to be done to save the planet
Harrie Lammington Spencer talks to use about the obstacles disabled people face when it comes to active travel and getting around the city. We look at what could be done to make transport across Greater Manchester more accessible for everyone and why poorly treating people with disabilities hurts everyone in society.