Dangerous Assumptions

Monday, April 10, 2023

What's that old line? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different outcomes is a sign of madness.There is plenty of consensus around what we should be doing to mitigate the worst affects of climate breakdown, but if all the methods we are using the ones that got us in this predicament in the first place, chances are they're not going to work. Is the dominant climate strategy built on a series of dangerous assumptions?

This week on the show we are joined by Ben See. Ben is a  high school teacher and  climate activist based in Paris . We discuss the potential underlaying assumptions that could be scuppering radical change to save the planet.  Is an economic system built on assumed rationality putting the brakes on necessary  change?  Are hopes of technological fixes wasting time? How do we communicate our situation to the children who will grow up in ecosystem collapse?


Shout Outs

The climate justice movement

Innes Fitzgerald- UK under 20s cross country runner who won't fly to take part in competitions due to its climate implications.Read about Innes here