"You've got to be social to be Socialist" Interview with Dr Lucy Burke

Monday, April 6, 2020

We are all still in lock-down but the pod goes on! The results of the Labour leadership election are in, how will this affect the the Green New Deal? We are also joined by Dr Lucy Burke to discuss how critical care in the UK has been impacted by Covid-19, how people with disabilities have been affected by this crisis and the subsequent Government response.

We also discuss the short comings of the environmental movement and how it can be more inclusive of the disabled.


Guidance from NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)

Critical care in Adults

Managing symptoms (Including at the end of life) in the community https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng163/chapter/1-Communicating-with-patients-and-minimising-risk

Corona Virus Act legislation

Shout Outs

Preswitch Village Green Co-op

Trees Not Cars